NEW: DISC App Public Realm Reporting

The public realm refers to publicly accessible streets and spaces between buildings that we pass through as pedestrians. Our priority is ensuring the journey between

The public realm refers to publicly accessible streets and spaces between buildings that we pass through as pedestrians. Our priority is ensuring the journey between these spaces is safe and seamless.

The public realm in St. Ives is dominated by traffic, vehicles and pedestrian congestion. However we believe there is a great opportunity to achieve a coherent upgrade of the area’s public realm spaces.

The vision is to create a place where the public realm makes people feel safe and welcome, whilst also enhancing St. Ives as a place where people want to live, work and visit. Informed by the changing ways in which people are living, working and shopping it is becoming increasingly important to create a positive experience of the public realm, as well as health and wellbeing, and a recognition that everyone needs to play their part in being more sustainable and addressing climate change and air pollution.

We have taken on board your recommendation to create a platform to report Public Realm Issues which now sits within our newly launched DISC crime reporting app. As discussed with many of you during the recent Consultation there are occasions when you see something you wish to report but don’t feel it warrants a crime report. We have therefore created a quick reporting tool in which you can add photos that we can share with the Enforcement Teams as well as the Town Council and the Police.

If you have not received your login to DISC please email

STEP 1 – Click on “Click here to submit a report…” on the main dashboard

STEP 2 – Click Public Realm Report

STEP 3 – Complete the short form and submit

What can I report?

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