BID 2 Projects – Accessibility and Security

Theme 3: Accessibility and Security.

Our consultation proved that the CCTV installed by BID is welcomed by businesses; 82% of respondents said that it is essential to maintain the CCTV and if possible, expand the number of cameras. BID continues to work with St Ives Town Council to ensure that the CCTV works for the town and its business community.

BID has also continued with a programme of maintenance where needed, expanding and maintaining pedestrian signs and listening to our levy payers to ensure that signs enhance rather than detract from the visitor experience.

Signage – Maintenance and expansion of pedestrian signage in key locations.
‘Expanded from BID 1’

Additional Security – Explore options and opportunities for adding additional security measures in the town, measures introduced include Shopwatch and Pubwatch.
‘New for BID 2’

Atlantic Coasters Bus

Transport – Explore options to work with First Bus Devon and Cornwall to deliver an evening transport solution to enable employees to work in St Ives from outlying areas – this project is subject to there being a business case for an enhanced service.
‘New for BID 2’

This theme will be monitored by:

  • Feedback from the Police on crime/anti-social behaviour incident reports
  • Requests to St Ives Town Council to view CCTV footage and outcomes
  • The number, quality and maintenance of signs installed within the BID boundary
  • Solutions delivered to address evening transport issues