St Ives BID Annual General Meeting

25 April 2023 St Ives BID AGM

We are here again, yes, another year has passed and it's time for our AGM.

We are here again, yes, another year has passed and it’s time for our AGM. Once again we will be holding it at the Guildhall where we will be presenting our annual report as well as give you the opportunity to ask questions directly to the Board as well as share your thoughts on how the BID is doing and how it can do better in the future.

For your information and so you can come prepared we have attached the agenda, the minutes of the 2022 meeting, and the latest summary of accounts, as well as a proxy form so you can submit your votes for the items we will be voting on during the meeting.

Light refreshments will be provided after the meeting.

It would be great to have as many members as possible attending this years AGM. The BID is up for re-election this year and to help you all gain a deeper understanding of what we do as well as meet with the other BID members in St Ives to have a say in the decision-making process. So, make sure to mark your calendars for Tuesday 25th April 2023 at 6 pm and please RSVP to if you are able to come along.

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